Hell for pets
Hell for dogs and cats and also for any other animals
Mimi poor little female dog
Mimi was a little female dog like many others who had no luck throughout her life despite her last days of happiness on Earth
Vietnam pets
Vietnam pets is the name of this new video made with pictures of some cats and dogs we rescue as often as we can to give them a second chance to live.
From Thailand to Vietnam
To stop this traffic of dogs for meat and fur, you can, if you wish, send a letter to the Ambassador of Thailand in your country.
Save them
Help us, please, save some animals that are so much in need. Food and care are our priorities, a home and lots of love...
Dolly a young female dog saved
A short story and a video to present a very cute little dog called Dolly, we were scared she dies from parvovirus but now she is saved
Dogs and Kids 01
Video made with funny and moving pictures of dogs and kids in their daily lives.
Great men's quotes 02
Please watch this video and think about the way we should behave to change the world a little bit every day, for the better.
Great men's quotes 01
Respecting your environment and animals, you give your children and grandchildren to live in a better world.
The incredible story of the handicapped dog, who was able to walk on his hind paws.
Stray cats
Cats and all animals need us to a better future.
Beautiful birds
Photographs of various birds very colorful in their natural environment in different parts of the world.
Number of results per page : 4 21 105
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Asia Commercial Bank – Ho Chi Minh City Branch – Cong Quynh Sub-branch - Location: No. 106 - 108 Cong Quynh Street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
My Name: VINCENT Leopold Marcel Pascal
Bank account: 4214 9458 0427 6566
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