How you can help Cochise?
You can easily help this cute kitty by becoming his sponsor. He will receive:
- fresh food elaborated each day
- veterinary cares (vaccines, sterilization...)
- a comfortable place to live in our shelter or in a foster home until we find a new loving family for him

You can also become his gold sponsor: 1 call = 2 meals

More details about him: I'm Cochise, I'm a 8 weeks old boy, I'm black and white.
I'm a very active kitten who thinks only about playing and eating.
I was found with my brother and my two sisters at the foot of a tree, we were abandoned.
Fortunately a young couple, German and Vietnamese, saved us from our misery.
My brother and sisters have already been adopted, there is only me left.
I hope I would be also adopted very soon, thanks to a nice person.
For any informations or if you want to adopt him, please contact Leo at 09 07 34 82 14 (from Vietnam) or +84 907 348 214 from any other countries

Make a donation
By bank transfer:
Asia Commercial Bank – Ho Chi Minh City Branch – Cong Quynh Sub-branch - Location: No. 106 - 108 Cong Quynh Street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
My Name: VINCENT Leopold Marcel Pascal
Bank account: 4214 9458 0427 6566
Swiftcode: ASCBVNVX
or By Paypal
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